Empowered Life: Recovery Support Peer Training

The Empowered Life: Recovery Support Peer Training is a 40-hour hands-on learning curriculum created to train Peer Support Specialists who are or who will be providing behavioral health services to individuals with mental health and/or substance use issues.

Our mission is to enhance the personal well-being of others by fostering a caring and supportive environment in which individuals can learn and advance in their lives, relationships, and communities. We believe that through advocacy, education, and support, we can instill hope and determination in the lives of individuals in recovery.

The Empowered Life: Recovery Support Peer Training hands-on approach affords participants the opportunity to learn through real-life experiences and scenarios used to equip them for a successful career as an NC Certified Peer Support Specialist. Our ultimate goal is to prepare participants with the knowledge and skills needed to enter the workforce immediately upon completion of this course. We encourage each participant to “get empowered” and help others live an Empowered Life!

Course Developer Contact:

Fashenda Little-Gerald

Little Gerald Services, LLC
1112 Skyway Drive
Monroe, NC 28110
(704) 283-9055 office (844) 272-1223 fax

Name Approved to Train
Gerald, Kimyada Empowered Life: Recovery Support Peer Training
Holliman, Paige BAQP, CPSS Empowered Life: Recovery Support Peer Training
Marshall, Andrea Empowered Life: Recovery Support Peer Training
Walker, Dianne MSQP Empowered Life: Recovery Support Peer Training

Complete the Empowered Life: Recovery Support Peer Training Application online (below) or Download ELRSPT Application.

Empowered Life: Recovery Support Peer Training Application